Fishing Frank’s is reopening sometime this year and maybe sooner than most people are thinking. As you can only imagine that with the lost of your livelihood, loosing dreams, and loosing your ability to help your employees, friends and customers that literally stretch beyond the southwest Florida region to around the world can be mentally and physically overwhelming (to say the least) for who knows how long. As Frank from Fishin Frank’s can only say “I know for everyone it seems like forever and yes things changed a lot over the year. But in the end I have decided along with Robert and Terry do open another store so Fishin Franks is coming back”.
While the comeback of Fishin Frank’s is now underway, his immediate helpmates are doing everything that they can do to expedite the rising of the new Fishin Frank’s. One thing for sure is that the new Fishin Franks location will have much better parking possibilities than before. One thing for sure that Frank want everyone to know is that “YES it will be called Fishin Franks and Yes we will have bait and tackle and Yes Robert will be running it”. For people who don’t know, Robert was working with Frank at Fishing Frank and had planned to open his own bait and tackle store called Blind Tarpon. Frank also said that “Blind Tarpon tackle shop will happen but just not right now. so for now you will have to put up with Fishin Franks”.
If everything goes as planned the Fishin Frank weekly fishing reports will also start real soon. The Fishin Frank weekly fishing reports can start as early as next week so stay tuned. I plan to have his weekly fishing report here on this blog at https://swfloridahive.com/ for replay. If you would like to hear it live then visit Fishin Frank’s website for the live broadcast by clicking here for FishinFrankFishingReport. One last thing that Frank wanted to let so many people and fishing clubs know “We have been trying to reach people and some of the fishing clubs before this hit the internet and will keep trying , now that we had something to say, sorry if you see it here before I could reach you”.
If you would like to know the new location for Fishing Frank’s in Port Charlotte Florida or the link to his new Facebook page, please reply below and I will share it on this blog for you to share with others.
Thank you all and let’s have a Fantastic Fishin Frank’s day!
Bruce Jacobs (Contributor)