Category: Florida

SolarX Pool Warming Panels

SolarX Affordable Solar and Pool Heating company is busy because of what hurricane Milton has done to our Southwest Florida community. As a current and pleased customer of SolarX, I’m extremely happy with their product and dedicated service. Even though one of our solar pool panels received some damage from

Wholistic Health Coach Bruce Jacobs

Hello everyone, today I'm announcing that I (Bruce Jacobs) am now a certified Wholistic Health Coach at I will be using a different approach to help people achieve their health goals. I will collaborate with a group consisting of doctors, health professionals, and health coaches to introduce you to the

OrthoMed Is A Blessing

OrthoMed Pain & Sports Medicine is not just your basic ho-hum orthopedic center. Dr. Cole and Dr. Kola are Physiatrist’s (Not a Orthopedic surgeon) with a background, beliefs and practice in Osteopathic medicine.  Physiatrists are specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation. “A Physiatrist will concentrate on finding the source of your

Fishin Frank is Coming Back

Fishing Frank’s is reopening sometime this year and maybe sooner than most people are thinking. As you can only imagine that with the lost of your livelihood, loosing dreams, and loosing your ability to help your employees, friends and customers that literally stretch beyond the southwest Florida region to around

Bugs & Beyond LLC

  Pest control vs Exterminators might be like saying tomato vs tomatoe to some but in SWFL you better get it right. Coming from up north if I ever had a problem with bugs I would call a Exterminator. My brother in Orlando told me that the first thing I

Process Your Small Business Loan Today

Small businesses in today times need money right now and your opportunity for getting a small business loan for working capital is still available today through David Allen Capital, Inc. Yes it was a nightmare trying to apply for a share of the CARES Act, which contained $376 billion in

Fishin’ Frank’s Fire Fund Catfish Tournament

Today starts the Fishin' Frank's Fire Fund Catfish Tournament — because we all hope to see Fishin' Frank's back in business, and because anybody can catch a catfish, even you! Just $35 per angler will get you the opportunity to win fishing charters and other awesome prizes. Bring the whole

Fishing Tournament to Support FishinFranks

Good morning! Anyone that didnt see Crystal’s post yesterday about the fishing tournament please advise! ATTENTION ALL SPONSORS:All sponsors are to go to Westchester gold and diamond on 41 to fill out the sponsorship form. You will get a receipt for how much you sponsor for. If you plan on