Tag: wef

World Economic Forum 2024 Global Economic Outlook: What Are The Chief Economists Predicting For Our Future?

World Economic Forum 2024 Global Economic Outlook: What Are The Chief Economists Predicting For Our Future? 2024 has been a year of elections as many countries worldwide have been gearing up for the polls. Nevertheless, as the campaigns and debates gain momentum, it's essential to remember that the popular vote

WEFs Cyber Attack Simulations: Klaus says a Cyber Attack will Dwarf the Pandemic by Comparison

WEF’s Cyber Attack Simulations: Klaus says a Cyber Attack will Dwarf the Pandemic by Comparison.  In late 2019, the World Economic Forum (WEF) co-hosted a global pandemic simulation known as Event 201 with the John Hopkins and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. A few months later, we were hit with