THE RAT TRAP from Diana Larkin

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November 26, 2021, 9:20 AM

"I have set up an elaborate, worldwide RAT TRAP and in the coming months, you will see many rats all over the world CAUGHT in this well-laid TRAP. Those rats were all given opportunities to repent and to come into the LIGHT, but they chose to remain partnered with DARKNESS and now the darkness will be their PORTION, as they face JUDGMENT, JUSTICE, and some DEATH.

Weep that they have chosen to remain in darkness and to live outside My LOVE and LIGHT, but do not give them UNSANCTIFED MERCY—that is giving mercy where I AM bringing judgment. Even in My judgment, as they suffer the consequences of their choices, there will yet be an opportunity to repent and come to Me for forgiveness. It would be a GREAT VICTORY against the darkness if those heavily partnered with it became BORN-AGAIN and came into the Light. They will still receive judgment and justice for their RAT-LIKE behaviour, but My GRACE and COMFORT will see them through and light will TRIUMPH over the darkness in their lives.

I AM declaring to you that My RAT TRAPS are set and that JUSTICE is coming."

This is the prophetic word from:

Diana Larkin

Bruce Jacobs

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