Month: February 2022

Time To Move Out From Under The Oppressive Overreach Of Bureaucrats and Technocrats

Time To Move Out From Under The Oppressive Overreach Of Bureaucrats and Technocrats They can be outsmarted. Good will always reign over evil, just like light cancels out the darkness.  If you consider yourself a sovereign being created and given life by a Universal Divine Consciousness, our God of perfect

A Critical Report On Bitcoin Mining And Its Carbon Footprint

A Critical Report On Bitcoin Mining And Its Carbon Footprint Finally, FACTS That Counter The FUD Cryptocurrency is more popular than ever as the mainstream populace realizes its potential as a new monetary system, especially in light of hyperinflation in our legacy financial system. The control that the “powers that

Roofing update on Universal Contractors

Mr. James Rodriquez from Universal Contracting have delivered so far on everything as promised. The first phase of the roofing under-lament moisture barrier was completed this past Friday. Shortly after the roofing crew left, Mr. Rodriquez made me aware of a possible upcoming inspection that could on happen on Monday or Tuesday.


  MARKETHIVE THE FUTURE OF ALL MEDIA Innovations that will change the way we work and interact online.  The Markethive Social Market Broadcasting Network becomes more prominent daily as the blockchain-driven ecosystem for entrepreneurs with a non-adversarial, bi-partisan free speech ethic and the collaborative culture we rarely see on social

James Rodriguez with Universal Contracting Roofing

I now realize there’s a lot in picking the right company when replacing your roof. After speaking with so many people and different roofing companies, James Rodriguez from Universal Contracting passed all test. Honesty and work ethic is huge for me but experience with knowledge at all phases that he