Felix Crisan – Head Of Research For The Elrond Network And Renegade Thinker For Technical Solutions

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Felix Crisan – Head Of Research For The Elrond Network And Renegade Thinker For Technical Solutions

IT Expert, Architect, Entrepreneur, Educator, with a Renegade Mindset  


Elrond's Head Of Research, Felix Crisan, is another feather in the cap of the evolving Romania-based Blockchain company. He is an integral part of a specialized team of hard-core engineers, entrepreneurs, and researchers, who have successfully redesigned the Blockchain infrastructure. 

Collectively, the team, including Co-founders, CIO, Lucian Mincu, and COO, Lucian Todea, has significant technical experience at Microsoft, Google, Intel, NTT DATA, 2 PhDs in CS & AI, multiple math, CS and AI, Olympiad champions, and blockchain backgrounds, with the CEO of Elrond, Beniamin Mincu previously involved with the NEM core team. In this article, Felix Crisan is center stage.

Elrond is setting new standards for performance in the Blockchain space with an innovative network scaling technology called Sharding, but with a difference. Sharding is a well-known concept for horizontal partitioning of databases which several companies are applying it to public Blockchains to increase their throughput capacity.

Elrond has gone one better by developing a cutting-edge form of state sharding named Adaptive State Sharding. It enables the network to rival centralized cloud networks without sacrificing blockchains' security and decentralization advantages. This, along with their Secure Proof of Stake consensus, makes Elrond a leader in the next generation of high-throughput Smart Contract platforms flourishing in the Blockchain ecosystem. 


About Felix Crisan 

Romanian-born Felix Crisan has a working experience of 20 years; all spent in Information Technology areas. Felix has been involved in many industries and in just as many roles, initially starting with being a researcher in quantitative aspects of social sciences. 

He was also a developer for "off the shelf" software and later games, then a solution consultant for major projects in big banks and telecom groups. He is an architect, supervising development and operations for the services he co-founded as an entrepreneur. These services ended up being market leaders in the territories where they are operated. 


Background And Career 

Felix attended the University of Bucharest, majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics in 1992, for five years. He went on to become a Computer Analyst and Chief Developer in 1997 at Cybersoft for three years.

In the next few years, he devoted his time to IBM as a Technical Solution Architect and Hewlett-Packard as a Telecom Industry Consultant. He found his entrepreneurial prowess in 2003 when he saw an opportunity to build an online and offline payment system and co-founded Netopia Payments, which operates the most prominent digital payment platform in Romania and the most extensive SMS aggregating service – web2sms.

The intersection of payments, big data, and distributed systems led him to Bitcoin and the Blockchain industry, where he Co-founded BTKO in 2015, Romania's first Bitcoin exchange platform. 

In his spare time, he teaches various topics, from fundamental web development techniques to big data concepts and technologies, including machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. Felix is also a Bitcoin Lightning Network contributor and organizer of Blockchain BigData meetups in Bucharest. 


Image source: Virtual Blockchain Summit


Felix Has Many Strings To His Bow

Apart from being Head of Research for Elrond, Felix is also currently the Co-founder and CTO of Netopia, mobilPay. Since April 2021, he has been co-founder and CTO of Ronin, a Bucharest-based Blockchain crowdfunding platform officially launched in December 2021 and accessible to small investors in Europe. The company's end goal is to be bureaucracy-free. 

In all of Felix's undertakings, it's clear that his solution-oriented concepts and input are designed with a humanitarian approach. He is passionate about new and innovative technologies and how they can enhance the lives of individuals and companies alike. 

With his fiery tweets regarding burning issues and aversion to the status quo, bankers and governments, he is doing his bit to help educate and improve the current state of the world. His Twitter feed indeed reveals that, tweeting:

So much double standards around CBDC initiatives: with "the others" it can be used to "…monitor users and exert control over global currency". When "our guys" are doing it, it's a fine piece of non-intrusive, democratic tech.

“The root and source of all monetary evil is the government’s monopoly on money,” said no banker ever. But Hayek did.

Who is Hayek? Hayek was a prominent social theorist and political philosopher of the 20th century, devoted to the free market. Friedrich Hayek believed that the prosperity of society was driven by creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation, which were possible only in a society with free markets. In his view, markets create price signals and incentives to adapt and align the economy efficiently.

Image source: Twitter 


To understand more about what Felix Crisan is passionate about, watch this video where he discusses a wide range of topics, including adoption in Romania, custodial services and their disadvantages, the impact crypto will have on employment and value transfer, and China's crackdown on miners, the CBDC Yuan, regulatory burdens for Romanian crypto startups and more. 


Elrond Initiates Web3 Payment Revolution

Elrond's latest partnership with Utrust (a leading payment services provider) is another indication of their commitment and passion for leading in the digital transformation curve and easing the burden of businesses and existing payment methods. 

Dubbed "Merchant Yield," the power comes from its simplicity – accept crypto, and get paid in fiat. Any business can become a Web 3 Merchant and benefit as this will transform payment processing services from a cost for merchants into an income stream.

Image source: Twitter 


A Blessing For Humanity

With Elrond's consistent activity and the team's unwavering dedication, we can be assured they are in it for the long game and for the right reasons. A few benevolent companies are rising up and will not be intimidated by the elite corporations so desperately trying to control everything and everyone. 

Markethive aligns itself very closely with the ethos of Elrond. They are two separate entities working in synergy and independent of evil forces that have plagued the lives of the individuals, entrepreneurs, and companies that are locked into them. 

Elrond takes care of the decentralized Internet-scale Blockchain and financial operating system, the gateway for all businesses and citizens to reclaim their sovereignty and financial independence. 

Elrond is a complete rethinking of public blockchain infrastructure, specifically designed to be secure, efficient, scalable, and interoperable. Elrond's main contribution rests on two cornerstone building blocks that ensure long-term security and distributed fairness.



Markethive takes care of the decentralized social media, marketing, broadcasting network, and community. It is a place where privacy, freedom of speech, and autonomy are paramount. There is no agenda, no divisiveness, just acceptance. 

Markethive is a place where entrepreneurs can thrive, and individuals can feel a sense of belonging. It is a platform with the inbuilt opportunity for financial sovereignty, all without fear of being deplatformed, censored, or ridiculed.

We pay homage to the architects and engineers of these humanitarian projects that stand up in the face of tyranny and make it possible for every soul to have a haven and faith for a better, more sovereign future. 

It's not enough these days to be a critical thinker – one must be a renegade thinker to resist and rise above this unconscionable world, be true to oneself and be instrumental in the success of others.

As Felix Crisan states in his tweet,
"Everyone's afraid of the World War 3, but few noticed the War Web 3." 



Virtual Blockchain Summit 



Bruce Jacobs

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