The 2nd to the Last Day of 2021

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2022 is upon us so I made this video to convey a very important message for all.

Also keep in mind our promos and incentives are still in full forced.

The Boost which normally sells for $100 (Entrepreneur One Price) and $200 (free members) has been dropped to 10% that being right now you can pick up as many Boosts you want @ $10 each (Entrepreneur One Price) and $20 (free members).

The Boost can be reached here: 

The ILPs for Markethive Coin promotion will allow you to purchase the very valuable ILPs for Markethive coin. This offer is limited and can end at any time. Remember the ILP will earn you valuable income payable in Markethive coin that can be exchanges on the open market exchanges.

The ILP purchase page can be reached here:

The Entrepreneur One program is also limited and the ability to acquire more of them is coming to an end as soon as the wallet is released, which is eminent.

The Entrepreneur One program can be reached here:

The Wheel of Fortune is a program where a small purchase for spins can reward you with a lifetime income, coins, services, impressions, and endless array of value from Markethive.

The Wheel of Fortune can be reached here:


Remember these are extremely valuable resource for your campaigns and used properly with a Banner campaign, offering coded perks like the WOF, can and will produce amazing results.

See you this Sunday, Jan 02, 2022 at 10 am (mountain Denver USA time)


Thomas Prendergast
Markethive Inc.

Bruce Jacobs

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