Bugs & Beyond LLC

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Pest control vs Exterminators might be like saying tomato vs tomatoe to some but in SWFL you better get it right. Coming from up north if I ever had a problem with bugs I would call a Exterminator. My brother in Orlando told me that the first thing I should do right before I actually begin moving in is to call a pest control company. My brother said that a good pest control company should be able to eliminate many bugs while at the same time setup a perimeter to keep bug situations down to a minimum. Wow, what a concept to think you may be able to keep major bug issues at bay by simply keeping them away in the first place. 

Seeing so many recommendations on our local neighborhood Facebook group pages has been eye opening to say the least. People will report the good and bad while a few of the workers will respond with their thoughts too. This can be a good source of information instead on TV and radio sales commercials. Also keep in mind that the realtor who sold you your home can be a excellent resource of information too. My realtor gave me an excellent referral to a excellent pest control exterminator. I did call the referred pest control company along with another company from my neighborhood Facebook community too. I asked many of the same questions to both companies and got basically the same answers from both companies. Then just recently I saw a Facebook response post about bug situation and this guy name Hank responses was just a little bit different.

I gave the company Bugs & Beyond LLC  a call and spoke with Hank. What I quickly came to know was that Hank is the owner of Bugs and Beyond LLC . We made an appointment to speak again but our schedules just didn’t connect for a week or so. Frank reached out to me on a day that we could finally setup an appointment and I’m so glad that we did. While going through the first few questions on my list, Hank sort of paused me with a simple question of his own. I gave him my answer and he just smiled and proceeded with a couple of key information points that the others didn’t disclose.

All that I can say right now is that Hank from Bugs & Beyond LLC is very knowledgeable with years of experience. If you want someone who is confident, knowledgeable, results driven, hard working, reliable and knows how to keep in contact with customers, then Bugs & Beyond LLC should be given every opportunity to take care of your pest control needs. The funny thing was before he left after his initial treatment appointment the fire ants were already coming up all around us where we were standing.  I was hoping to see results but seeing immediate results was very pleasurable to see.   

Bugs & Beyond tree shaping

As you can see above are a few Before and After pics below that Hank from Bugs & Beyond LLC does more than just pest control. Tree and bush trimmings are also part of and where the “Beyond” part of his pest control business too. If you have tree limbs, branches, vines… that are touching your home and or Lanai screen then those things has to be addressed first. PLEASE Note that one of his main secrets for pest control success tips might be this: If you only see your pest control representative only once or twice a year, you might wanna definitely call Hank so he can give you the inside real reason on how often that they should be there…NO matter what kind of products that they claim to use.

When you speak to Hank at Bugs & Beyond LLC, PLEASE make sure to mention my name Bruce Jacobs or that you saw it on my SWFL blog at https://swfloridahive.com/ … Who knows, there could be some type of discount (you never know).

Bruce Jacobs (contributor)
From SWFLHive.com 

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